Maggie Grace went on her first road trip over this past weekend. We loaded up the babe and the dog and off we went to visit family in North Carolina. We set out Friday morning much too early for Ben, needless to say he was a bit grouchy. We got to Grandpa Paul's, changed clothes, and off to La Tea Dah's for lunch with our cousins. Melissa, Kyle and Jackie had flown in that morning all the way from Delaware to meet Maggie Grace. We missed BJ, he couldn't make it because he had a wedding to attend. We also really missed Lonnie, who was off at camp learning to fly. He actually got to solo his own plane last weekend! We had a great time at the tea room catching up and introducing Maggie Grace to everyone. Then we headed off to The Haven to go visit Mom Mom. It was very sad to see her as she's not doing great but she seemed to love Maggie Grace and even held her for a bit.
Sunday was another incredibly busy day. At about noon we headed to the lake for a day with the Powells. Maggie Grace was going to meet her great uncle Tex and great aunt Marilyn as well as her cousins Mike and Sharon. Maggie Grace loved being held by her uncle Tex. We had so much fun hanging out, telling stories and doing a lot of laughing.
It was an absolute blast!
Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and so did the weekend. Late Sunday evening we packed up the car and headed back to Atlanta. We had such a great time and are so lucky to have such great relatives.